Journal of Dreams 5: 20th Anniversary issue!
graphic, editorial Savinien Caracostea graphic, editorial Savinien Caracostea

Journal of Dreams 5: 20th Anniversary issue!

Announcing the launch of the twentieth anniversary issue of the Journal of Dreams. This issue continues the dream of a young boy who, impatient of waiting for monthly periodicals to follow the adventures of his favorite comic book hero, decided to create his own publication to send to his loyal subscribers and contributing friends. Since those first four issues, much has changed, but the dream has somehow remained the same.

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Pratt Kitchen: Pilot Event
editorial, culinary Savinien Caracostea editorial, culinary Savinien Caracostea

Pratt Kitchen: Pilot Event

The Pratt Kitchen pilot event brings together artists, chefs, and cultural figures for a night of conversations and performances to address the increased importance of exploring the ecology, science, art, and politics of food in design disciplines. By offering a deeper understanding of our natural, social and technological environment, the event further introduces the ambitions of the Pratt Kitchen initiative.

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“La Mort de Camille” Plated Dessert
culinary Savinien Caracostea culinary Savinien Caracostea

“La Mort de Camille” Plated Dessert

‘La Mort de Camille’ is an artistic plated dessert created by Savinien Caracostea, inspired by the film Contempt by Jean-Luc Godard. It was presented following a screening of the film for a private event.

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USA Pavilion at Milan EXPO Innovation Programs
editorial Savinien Caracostea editorial Savinien Caracostea

USA Pavilion at Milan EXPO Innovation Programs

World fairs have always been about innovation. Milan Expo 2015, with the theme of “Feeding the Future, Energy for Life”, is no exception. As part of U.S. participation in the Expo, the USA Pavilion’s “Feeding the Accelerator” program explores new possibilities in farming, food distribution, nutrition, community building and knowledge sharing.

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Mentor Minds interview series
editorial Savinien Caracostea editorial Savinien Caracostea

Mentor Minds interview series

Mentor Minds is a series of short video interviews about mentorship, innovation, and culture with leading figures from a variety of industries including food, art, fashion, business, architecture and urbanism.

It is a part of “Feeding the Accelerator”, the innovation program of the USA Pavilion at Milan EXPO 2015. The interviews constitute a form of virtual mentorship to the program’s selected entrepreneurial teams, and to a global community.

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Guest editor of Log 34: The Food Issue
culinary, editorial Savinien Caracostea culinary, editorial Savinien Caracostea

Guest editor of Log 34: The Food Issue

Guest edited by Savinien Caracostea and Jan Åman, Log 34 features renowned chefs, including Ferran Adrià, Dan Barber, Massimo Bottura, Magnus Nilsson, Jacques Pépin, and Christina Tosi, as well as critically acclaimed artists like Carsten Höller, Tobias Rehberger, and Rirkrit Tiravanija. In short, countless reasons to focus on food today, from the obvious to the surprising.

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Croquembouches at Storefront for Art & Architecture, NYC
culinary, spatial Savinien Caracostea culinary, spatial Savinien Caracostea

Croquembouches at Storefront for Art & Architecture, NYC

As part of the exhibition BEING, Storefront presented DISRUPT: Croquembouches, an installation-banquet on the connections and connotations between Food and Architecture. The event follow a day-long installation by Savinien Carcostea, which included an 9-foot tall cone of Croquembouches, a traditional French dessert, that was on display at Storefront’s gallery throughout the day and was offered to visitors from 6-7pm.

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Kaleidoscopic Journeys: M.Arch II Thesis
spatial Savinien Caracostea spatial Savinien Caracostea

Kaleidoscopic Journeys: M.Arch II Thesis

In my M.Arch II thesis project at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, I explore architectural typologies that seamlessly blend the outside with the inside, such as theaters, department stores, and hotels. These spaces serve as alchemical, proto-cinematic devices that create thresholds between wakefulness and dream, reality and imagination, and space and time.

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“The Architecture of Taste” — Pierre Hermé at Harvard GSD
Savinien Caracostea Savinien Caracostea

“The Architecture of Taste” — Pierre Hermé at Harvard GSD

In his lecture at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, Hermé described the development of a series of his pastries from an original intuition to the elaboration of specific flavors, textures, and formal manifestations that give each its own character. A guided tasting of the pastries was part of this event.

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Museum of Time: Harvard GSD
spatial Savinien Caracostea spatial Savinien Caracostea

Museum of Time: Harvard GSD

This project was presented at the Harvard Graduate School of Design on May 2nd, 2012.

The Contemporary Art Museum is the place where time manifests itself - where the images we will live by tomorrow are housed as they first make their appearance. It must modulate this interface of several coexisting time frames within the same space through which the visitor negotiates his way. In an effort to foster a fertile territory for the artwork of tomorrow, new contemporary art museums must seize this moment and allow its visitors to transcend the psychology of this passing of time.

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Meshes of the Afternoon: Harvard GSD
spatial Savinien Caracostea spatial Savinien Caracostea

Meshes of the Afternoon: Harvard GSD

This project was presented at the Harvard Graduate School of Design on December 14th, 2011.

What is a utopia today? A dreamer lies on the city's bedrock - giant spiders weave away his dreams - webs expanding out of sight. A tapestry spreads and fastens to the streets, projected as a three dimension matrix, a scaffolding of dreams. This sensitive membrane sifts through the currents of the city, catching in its web particles, fragments, seasons, nights and days, lifting them up in the winds like a fisherman hoists his net.

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“Addressing Bergdorf Goodman” — Cornell B.Arch Thesis Project
spatial Savinien Caracostea spatial Savinien Caracostea

“Addressing Bergdorf Goodman” — Cornell B.Arch Thesis Project

Once "spectacles of extraordinary proportions", department stores are now common retail spaces. Through the application of film, particularly Fellini's 8 1/2, and the understanding of the store as a living subject, Bergdorf Goodman's dreams, fantasies and memories are released, providing a framework for the implementation and organization of new programs in distinction to shopping. In an effort to return to its golden age, these programs open up the store to an eclectic population, making a more social and cultural urban experience.

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